PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu is a company engaged in the field of scientific networking, especially in the publication of scientific journals. They have an Open Journal System (OJS) platform that is used to manage and publish several journals.
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PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu was founded in [Year], starting from the initiative of a group of academics who had a vision to enrich the treasury of science in Indonesia. The founders, consisting of lecturers and researchers from various leading universities, saw the need for a platform that could accommodate research results openly and easily accessible to the wider community.
Initially, PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu started its activities by managing one journal, namely JSPH (Jurnal of Social Politics and Humanities). Over time, seeing the enthusiasm of researchers, the company decided to expand the scope of its journals and launched JEBMA (Jurnal of Economics Business Management and Accounting) and Sociopreneur.
Henry H. Loupias
Director | Owner
Our team consists of experienced and competent people in the field of scientific networking, especially in scientific journal publication. They have an Open Journal System (OJS) platform that is used to manage and publish several journals.
Want your research work to be widely recognized by the scientific community? Choose LEO Science Network! We offer a fast and transparent review process, as well as an editorial team that is experienced in their field. By choosing us, your work will gain higher visibility and potentially contribute to the development of science.
If you need assistance, please contact us via telephone number or write a message on the form provided.
Working Hours :
Monday - Friday : 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Saturday : 08.00 - 13.00 WIB
Sunday (Closed)
Office Address :
Jl. Sasakgantung 25, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40251