President Director of
PT. Loupias Event Organizer (LEO)

PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu is a company engaged in the field of scientific networking, especially in the publication of scientific journals. They have an Open Journal System (OJS) platform that is used to manage and publish several journals.


PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu

PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu is a company engaged in the field of scientific networking, especially in the publication of scientific journals. They have an Open Journal System (OJS) platform that is used to manage and publish several journals.

JSPH (Jurnal of Social Politics and Humanities): Focuses on social, political, and humanities issues.

JEBMA (Jurnal of Economics Business Management and Accounting): Contains research in the fields of economics, business, management, and accounting.

Sociopreneur: Intended for publication of community service results.


What can be done on the OJS platform of PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu?

As a user, you can:

  • Browse journals: View a complete list of published journals, including recent articles and back issues.
  • Read articles: Access scholarly articles for free.
  • Write articles: Submit your article for consideration for publication.
  • Become a reviewer: Participate in the scholarly article review process.

Exploring the journal

Reading articles

Writing an article

Become a reviewer


Our Projects


Exploring the journal


Writing an article


Reading articles


Become a reviewer


History of PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu

PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu was founded in [Year], starting from the initiative of a group of academics who had a vision to enrich the treasury of science in Indonesia. The founders, consisting of lecturers and researchers from various leading universities, saw the need for a platform that could accommodate research results openly and easily accessible to the wider community.

Initially, PT. LEO Jejaring Ilmu started its activities by managing one journal, namely JSPH (Jurnal of Social Politics and Humanities). Over time, seeing the enthusiasm of researchers, the company decided to expand the scope of its journals and launched JEBMA (Jurnal of Economics Business Management and Accounting) and Sociopreneur.

Henry H. Loupias
Director | Owner

"International Conference Organizer"

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We provide quality knowledge

Our team consists of experienced and competent people in the field of scientific networking, especially in scientific journal publication. They have an Open Journal System (OJS) platform that is used to manage and publish several journals.

Professional Team

We have a team that works professionally.

Quality of Service

We provide regular service during the work.


Meet Our Team


Henry H. Loupias


Dila Novita


Jean Paul N Loupias


Tari Jumiyati


Why Choose Us?

Want your research work to be widely recognized by the scientific community? Choose LEO Science Network! We offer a fast and transparent review process, as well as an editorial team that is experienced in their field. By choosing us, your work will gain higher visibility and potentially contribute to the development of science.

Focus on benefits for authors

Focus on reputation and quality

Focus on service and support

Fast and transparent review process.

Focus on benefits for authors
Focus on reputation and quality
Focus on service and support
Fast and transparent review process.

What They're Talking About Company?

"As a senior lecturer, I really appreciate the quality of reviews provided by the LEO Jejaring Ilmu editorial team. The fast process and constructive feedback really help researchers, including my students, to improve the quality of their writing. Thank you LEO!"

Dr. Ahmad Ridwan

Dosen Senior, Universitas Indonesia

"As a master's student, I feel very fortunate to be able to publish my first article in a journal managed by LEO. The OJS platform they use is very user-friendly and the submission process is easy. Thank you LEO for the opportunity!"

Siska Amalia

Mahasiswa S2, Universitas Gadjah Mada

"LEO Jejaring Ilmu has become a strategic partner for us in disseminating research results. The journals they manage have a good reputation among academics. We greatly appreciate LEO's commitment to improving the quality of scientific publications in Indonesia."

Prof. Budi Santoso

Ketua Departemen, Institut Teknologi Bandung

"As a researcher, I look for journals with an international reputation. LEO Jejaring Ilmu has met my expectations. Their journals have been indexed in various international databases, making my work accessible to a wider scientific community."

Andi Nugraha

Peneliti, Pusat Penelitian XYZ

"I am very impressed with the speed of the review process at LEO Jejaring Ilmu. In a relatively short time, my article has received a decision. This really helps me to publish my research results immediately."

Nia Rahmawati

Dosen Muda, Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Our clients

Our clients


Get Touch With Us

If you need assistance, please contact us via telephone number or write a message on the form provided.

Call us on WhatsApp :

Working Hours :
Monday - Friday : 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Saturday : 08.00 - 13.00 WIB
Sunday (Closed)

Office Address :
Jl. Sasakgantung 25, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40251

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