
Why Choose LEO Knowledge Network to Publish Your Work?


You as a researcher certainly want your research work to be widely recognized by the scientific community. One effective way to achieve this is to publish your work in reputable scientific journals. However, with so many journal choices available, you may be wondering, why choose LEO Network of Knowledge?

LEO Network Science is a leading scientific journal publisher in Indonesia that is committed to improving the quality of scientific publications. By choosing LEO, you will get a number of benefits, including:

  • Fast and Transparent Review Process: We understand how important time is to researchers. Therefore, we have a fast and transparent review process, so you can find out the results of the review in a relatively short time.
  • Internationally Reputable Journals: The journals we manage have been indexed in various international databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. This will increase the visibility of your work and expand your readership.
  • Full Support to Authors: Our editorial team is ready to help you throughout the publication process. Starting from manuscript preparation to the review process, we will provide full support so that your work can be published well.
  • User-Friendly OJS Platform: We use the easy-to-use Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, so you can easily upload and track the status of your manuscript.
  • Active Community of Researchers: By publishing on LEO, you will join an active and collaborative community of researchers.

Other Reasons Why Choose LEO:

  • Focus on Quality: We place a high value on the quality of every manuscript we receive.
  • High Publication Ethics: We uphold publication ethics and uphold scientific integrity.
  • Wide Reader Reach: Your work will be read by researchers from various parts of the world.


By choosing LEO Science Network, you will not only publish your work, but also contribute to advancing science. We are committed to being the best partner for researchers in realizing their dreams of publishing quality work.

What are you waiting for? Publish your work now on LEO Knowledge Network!

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