
Transform Your Work Into Quality Publications with LEO


Every researcher has a dream to see the results of their research published in the form of quality scientific publications. However, the process of transforming from a raw manuscript into an article ready for publication often requires considerable time and effort.

LEO Network of Knowledge is here to help you make this dream come true. With our experience and expertise, we are ready to help you turn your research manuscript into a quality and internationally recognized scientific publication.

Why Choose LEO for Your Work Transformation?

  1. Thorough Review Process: Our editorial team consists of experts in their fields who will carefully review each submitted manuscript. We ensure that every article published meets high quality standards.
  2. Full Support to Authors: We provide full support to authors throughout the publication process. Starting from the manuscript preparation stage to the revision process, we are always ready to help you.
  3. User-Friendly OJS Platform: We use the user-friendly Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, so you can easily upload, track and manage your manuscripts.
  4. Internationally Reputable Journals: The journals we manage have been indexed in various international databases, so that your work can be accessed by the wider scientific community.
  5. Focus on Quality: We place a high value on the quality of every manuscript we receive. We are committed to producing quality scientific publications that add value to the world of science.

Steps to Transform Your Work:

  1. Manuscript Preparation: Make sure your manuscript meets all the requirements set by the journal.
  2. Submit Manuscript: Upload your manuscript via the OJS LEO platform.
  3. Review Process: Your manuscript will be reviewed by reviewers who are competent in their field.
  4. Revisions: If necessary, you will be asked to make revisions based on reviewer input.
  5. Publication: After going through a review and revision process, your manuscript will be published in the form of a scientific article.

Tips for Achieving Quality Publication:

  • Do in-depth research: Make sure you do in-depth and up-to-date research.
  • Use clear and easy to understand language: Avoid using language that is too technical or complicated.
  • Follow writing guidelines: Make sure your manuscript complies with the writing guidelines set by the journal.
  • Ask for input from peers: Don’t hesitate to ask for input from your peers or mentors.


By choosing LEO Science Network, you have taken the right step to turn your research work into quality scientific publications.

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